Author Archive Annexus International

Bureau of Immigration – Annual Report 2020

  1. ALL foreign assignees holding an Alien Certificate Registration (ACR) I-Card are required to comply with Annual Report;
  2. Annual Report should be completed every first sixty (60) days of the year;
  3. Process period for: 01 January 2020 until 01 March 2020;
  4. Late compliance shall be penalized with a fine of PHP200.00 monthly and/or Immigration will not be accepting renewal and cancellation of ACR I-card without completing the Annual Report;

  • For inquiries, please send out email to and

COVID-19 Philippine Advisory: Updated Guidelines from Government Agencies

20 March 2020

  • Department of Transportation (DOTr) lifted the 72-hour window for individuals departing overseas. Provided below are the joint guidelines for the lifting of the ban (19  March 2020).


  • Bureau of Immigration (BI) have amended their skeletal workforce schedule, deferring application of visas and other transactions, and resuming normal operations by 13 April 2020 or once the Enhanced Community Quarantine has been lifted or amended. (as of 19 March 2020)


  • Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) is temporarily suspending visa issuance in all its Foreign Service Posts effective immediately and will be valid and effective until further notice. (20 March 2020)


Details on the above follows:

Outbound Passengers

  1.  Overseas Filipino Workers, balikbayans, and foreign nationals will be allowed to leave at any time during the quarantine in Luzon provided they travel only to the airport within 24 hours of the date and time of their departure.

2.  Outgoing passengers are advised to present documents of their departure, such as an electronic ticket or flight itinerary.

3.  Filipino citizens are strictly not allowed to take an outbound international flight to countries where travel restrictions are in place.

4.  On transportation arrangements, outbound passengers may be accompanied by only one companion or driver to and from the airport. Their companion is advised to carry a copy of the passenger’s e-ticket or itinerary.


Inbound Passengers

  1.  Inbound international passengers will be allowed entry, subject to strict immigration and quarantine protocols.

2. Passengers coming from Italy and Iran, where cases of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) have soared, should provide a medical certificates of good health and should be validated by their respective embassies.



  1. All visa-free privileges including those based on Visa Waiver Agreements, those under Executive Order 408, s.1960, and for holders of Hong Kong and Macau SAR passports, Macau-Portuguese passports, and British National Overseas passports, are likewise temporarily suspended, effective 22 March 2020.

2.  It must be noted that foreign spouses and children of Filipino nationals are exempted from this temporary suspension.

3.  The temporary suspension of visa issuance will deem all previously issued visas canceled, and foreigners with visas issued by Philippine Foreign Service Posts (primarily 9a Temporary Visitor/Tourist visas) will not be allowed entry into the country starting 22 March 2020.

4.  However, visas previously issued to accredited Foreign Government and International Organization officials and their dependents will remain valid and will be honored when entering the country even after said date. The same is true for previously issued visas to foreign spouses and children of Filipino nationals.

5.  This temporary suspension has no impact on foreign nationals that are already in the country or on holders of visas (i.e. 9G,  47A2, E.O. 226) issued by other government agencies



  1.  Temporarily suspended select transactions (listed on the next page) except for passengers intending to depart the Philippines;

2.  Foreign nationals whose visas will expire during the duration of the Enhanced Community Quarantine shall be allowed to file their applications for extension provided this is done within 30 days from the lifting of the Enhanced Community Quarantine.



** Advisory to the Public – 19 March 2020

COVID-19 Philippine Advisory: Enhanced Community Quarantine on the Rest of Luzon (Release 2.0)

16 March 2020 – the Philippine government placed the entire island of Luzon including Metropolitan Manila on “Enhanced Community Quarantine” or complete lockdown. The  Government has adopted preventive measures in relation to certain activities, for this reason, private and government sectors limited their activity.

The directive significantly limits the movement of the entire population in an effort to contain the spread of COVID-19 infections until 14 April 2020.


Provided below are the following guidelines:

  1. Schools in ALL levels are suspended until 14 April 2020.
  2. Private establishments providing basic necessities shall remain open: public markets, supermarkets, groceries, convenience stores, hospitals, medical clinics, pharmacies and drug stores, food preparation and delivery services, water-refilling stations, manufacturing and processing plants of basic food products and medicines, banks, money transfer services, power, energy, water and telecommunications supplies and facilities,
  3. Private and public offices shall adopt a skeletal workforce and observe strict social distancing measures. Anyone else not included in the mandated sectors (BPOs, food processing, food distribution, health and medical, security, etc.) are required to work from home.
  4. Transit to and from the above establishments anywhere within the area covered shall be allowed.
  5. Mass public transport facilities shall be suspended.

a)  Residents of Luzon may only be allowed to walk or use their private vehicles when buying basic necessities in public markets, groceries and convenience stores, banking, etc. LGUs (local government units) and BPOs can provide transportation arrangements.

b)  Checkpoints  are in place in various locations to inquire on reason for travel, intended destination, and body temperature check. Everyone is required to comply.

6. Land, air and sea travel shall be restricted.

a)  Outbound passengers intending to depart the Philippines from any of the international airports in Luzon shall be allowed to travel for a period of 72 hours from effectivity of the enhanced community quarantine.

b)  Inbound international passengers, in transit upon effectivity of the enhanced community quarantine, shall be allowed entry, subject to applicable quarantine procedures if coming from countries with existing travel restrictions imposed by the Inter-agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID).

c)  All inbound Filipino citizens including their foreign spouse and children, if any, holders of permanent resident visa, and holders of 9(e) diplomat visas issued by the Philippine government shall be allowed entry, subject to applicable quarantine procedures (14-days quarantine) if coming from countries with existing travel restrictions imposed by the IATF.

7)  Movement of cargoes within, to and from the entire Luzon shall be unhampered.

Land, air and sea travel of uniformed personnel for official business, especially those transporting medical supplies, laboratory specimens related to the COVID-19, and other humanitarian assistance, shall be allowed.


Annexus’ Business Continuity Plan – Our Response to the COVID-19 Enhanced Community Lockdown

  • Destination Relocation Services

The following activities or services can be provided remotely by our Relocation Consultants:

  1. Conduct needs assessment calls;
  2. Share housing market information;
  3. Share sample properties on-line;
  4. Conduct lease contract reviews and negotiation;
  5. Coordinate and assist in utilities set-up such as internet and cable.
  6. Provide school information;
  7. Coordinate temporary housing bookings.
  8. Provide information on bank accounts opening requirements.
  9. Provide information on local registration requirements.


  • Immigration & Consular Services

Some government offices remain operational but are on skeletal force therefore presenting limited activity.

Any changes in appointments with the respective offices will be advised accordingly.  We shall continue assisting, as necessary, on the following:

  1. Application and renewal of new work visas that includes 9G, 47A2, ROHQ.
  2. Extension of 9A entry tourist visa (temporary residence)


Apostille and Legalization services with the Department of Foreign Affairs and the respective embassies are suspended until further notice.


As a precautionary measure:

  1. For those arriving or who have just arrived, we exercise the 14-days self-quarantine procedure prior to meeting the assignee from overseas travel.
  2. For those already in the country, face mask is a requirement and we will exercise social distancing.


We will work to re-schedule all the appointments and accompanied services as soon as the normal activity is restored.


COVID-19 Philippine Advisory: Temporary Travel Suspension In & Out of Metro Manila (Release 1.0)

The Directive

The Philippine government raised Code Red Sublevel 2 over Metro Manila placing it under a “community quarantine” or lockdown. It has expanded the travel ban due to the COVID-19 pandemic to all countries which have localized transmission of the viral disease.

Metro Manila will be closed to land, air, and sea travel from 15 March 2020. The suspension of travel in and out of the National Capital Region will be until 14 April 2020.  Further measures announced by the President are:

  • Classes on ALL LEVELS remain suspended until 12 April 2020;
  • Planned or spontaneous mass gatherings are suspended. Skeletal workforce and flexi-work arrangements shall be put in place in both public and private sector;
  • Health and emergency frontline services remain operational;
  • All manufacturing, retail, and service establishments, including public transportation within Metro Manila are advised to remain in operation during said period provided they observe strict social distancing measures.


Impact on all foreign nationals

  • The expanded travel ban bars entry of ALL foreign nationals coming from China and its SAR, as well as countries reporting localized transmission of COVID-19, including those who will have layovers (even short stops) therein.
  • Filipino citizens who uses a foreign passport when entering the Philippines will likewise be included in the ban.
  • Philippine immigration officers may thoroughly inspect passports and ask questions to determine one’s travel history.
  • Only those who were already issued a permanent resident visa (approved 9G, 47A2, EO 226, etc.) will be allowed to return. Those whose applications are pending are not covered by the exception.


Impact on Filipino citizens and foreign permanent residents

  • Only Filipino citizens and holders of permanent resident visas and Philippine diplomatic visas will be allowed entry.
  • The Philippine Department of Health and Bureau of Quarantine continues to impose a mandatory quarantine of up to 14 days on Philippine Citizens and permanent foreign residents who have visited China, its SAR, and other countries who have reported localized transmission within 14 days of their attempted entry.  Those allowed entry who are suffering any of the symptoms of the COVID-19 such as fever or respiratory infection, or has history of exposure shall be endorsed for admission in a hospital.
  • No Filipino passport holder will be allowed to travel to China and its SAR and other countries reporting localized transmission of the virus. The ban includes stop-overs/lay-overs.


Annexus’ Precautionary Measures in Delivering Services

We do understand this will upset the travel and relocation plans of our assignees,  but, for the safety of everyone, following are precautionary measures to be observed:

  • Assignees are advised/encouraged to remain home, avoid crowded places, and not travel out of town.
  • Assignees with upcoming appointments at the Bureau of Immigration (BI) are reminded of BI’s “NO FACE MASK, NO ENTRY POLICY.” Clients are required to wear protective masks and must undergo a body temperature check upon entry to BI premises.
  • Face-to-face meetings with Relocation Consultants will be delayed until after at least two (2) weeks from the date they arrived in the Philippines. A self-imposed monitoring / quarantine from date of their arrival should be observed.


The above should be taken into account when they plan their travel or relocation schedules in the country.  This way, our clients/assignees could follow their schedules without further delay.



The community lockdown is effective from 15 March until  14 April 2020.



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